Tuesday, August 21, 2012

May Meeting Minutes

Lobbestael Elementary
Parent~Teacher Club Meeting
Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2012 @ 6:30pm

Attendance (9): Day, DuChene, Edwards, Forrester, Hackett, Manor, Polega, Silich, Thieme, Tremberth

I.       Welcome, Introductions, & Norms: S. Silich

II.      Mission Statement: S. Silich
The Parent~ Teacher Club’s Agenda is to lend support, both moral and financial, to cooperate with teachers, the administration and community to promote positive attitudes towards learning and education.

III.     Secretary Minutes: J. Tremberth
                                   A.        Motion to accept minutes by J. Edwards, 2nd by J. Hackett. Motion passed unanimously.

            IV.    Treasury Report: D. Day
                      A.        Motion to accept treasury report by J. Edwards, 2nd by J. Hackett.  Motion passed unanimously, with correction of November 2011 to have an additional $560.00, so there is $3,971.00 remaining in the field trip fund.

V.      Principal Report: B. Polega
          A.        The district’s new Superintendent, Jackie Johnston, visited Lobbestael.
          B.        Summer school opportunities are available, brochures are out and info is available online.
          C.        Maintenance/transportation has been contacted in regards to the Lobbestael parking lot. A                   civil engineer will visit and evaluate the help with the pick-up traffic / issues.
          D.       A landscaping company has been contacted to design an “L” shaped garden near the sign.
          E.        A student survey has been distributed among the 3rd – 5th graders. The surveys are due back by the 11th and are completed during class.

VI.    Old Business
          A.        Restaurant Night – R. Tances
                      1. Still tracking Boston Market check.
                      2. Stevie B’s check is in.
                      4. No restaurant nights are planned for May.

          B.        Ice Cream for students (5/22, 11am-2pm) – K. DuChene
1. Flyer to go up in teachers lounge soon.
2. A hose hook-up is req’d for the truck, Ms. Polega to look into this.
3. Kids who are dairy free, will receive a popsicle. Teacher will need to let PTC know.

          C.        Ice Cream Social (Follow-up) – D. Day
1. 200 people attend and the night went good.
2. It was suggested for next year that a planned activity be incorporated for the kids.
3. Ms. Polega stated that next year there will be even more artwork.

          D.       Emma’s Day – J. Hackett & L. Lepine
                      1. Priced out cookies at Sam’s Club, $5.98 for 2 dozen, cookies will be served to                      the  parents and children
                      2. Lemonade will be served to all.
                      3. Lisa & Jennifer are donating a six foot “Emma’s Day” banner for the refreshment table.

          E.        Field Day – K. Wamback + E. Peck
                      1. Mr. O and the PTC are all set with volunteers.
                      2. The cost of the sno-cone machine is $30 and will be picked up on Wednesday.
                      3. Syrup and pumps need to be purchased, there are $70 dollars remaining in the budget.

VII.   New Business

A.        Fun Run – D. Day
            1. Dace Day will chair the event this year. J
            2. A committee will be formed and an email will be sent out requesting volunteers.
            3. Looking for new ideas and suggestions.
            4. Waiver form to be kept separate from donation form and will be due a week in advance this year.  The    PTC will work with the teachers to remind kids/parents to get the waivers turned in.
            5. Work on the prizes and donations will begin over the summer. Prize donations will be accepted             and appreciated.

Motion made to accept the board as nominated above by L. Lepine, 2nd motion by J. Hackett. Motion passed unanimously. Since candidates are running unopposed, no election in needed at May meeting.

B.        Campbell Labels – T. Forrester
            1. We currently have 19,826 points.
            2. Motion made to provide the noon-aides w/ the requested balls/ropes/chalk for a total of 3000                   points by D. Day, 2nd motion by J. Edwards. Motion passed unanimously.
            3. Motion to use remaining Campbell points for Fun Run prizes by D. Day, 2nd by S. Thieme. Motion           passed unanimously.
            4. Box Top check came in for $622.00.
            5. Summer collection sheets to go home with students soon.
            6. A “friends & family plan” will be created with a baggie and label system to encourage more people     to donate who are out of school.

VIII.  Agenda Items – n/a

            Meeting Adjourned at 7:42pm