Parent Teacher Club
Lobbestael Elementary
Board Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2012 @ 6:30pm
I. Welcome, Introductions, & Norms: S. Silich
2. Norms: S. Silich
1. Begin the meeting on time
2. Turn off cell phones
3. Be respectful
4. One person speaks at a time
5. Stay on topic
6. Discussions shall be limited to the set agenda
7. Motions will be made and seconded
8. Majority vote passes motion
3. Mission Statement: S. Silich
The Parent Teacher Club’s agenda is to lend support, both moral and financial, to cooperate with teachers, the administration and community to promote positive attitudes towards learning and education.
4. Secretary Minutes: J. Tremberth
5. Treasury Report: D. Day
6. Principal Report: B. Polega
7. Old Business
A. Fun Run Update: D. Day
B. Lobbestael Website
C. New Kids Club
D. Box Tops
E. Back to School BBQ
F. Popcorn
8. New Business
A. Fall Festival
B. Restaurant Nights
C. PTC general meeting Ocotber 10, 2012 @ 6:30pm
9. Agenda Items
10. Adjournment