Tuesday, August 21, 2012

May Meeting Agenda



May 8, 2012 @ 6:30pm

I.             Welcome & Introductions: Susan Silich
II.            Norms: Susan Silich
                    1) Begin the meeting on time
                 2) Please turn off cell phones
                 3) Be respectful
                 4) One speaker at a time
                 5) Stay on topic
                 6) Discussions shall be limited to the set agenda
                 7) Motions will be made and seconded
                 8) Majority vote passes motion

III.           Mission Statement: Susan Silich
The Parent~Teacher Club’s agenda is to lend support, both moral and financial, to cooperate with the teachers,
the administration and the community to promote a positive attitude towards learning and education.

III.           Secretary Minutes: J. Tremberth
IV.          Treasury Report: Dace Day
V.            Principal Report: Ms. Polega

VI.   Old Business
A.   Restaurant Night (follow up) – Roxanne Tances
B.    Skate Night  (follow up) – Roxanne Tances
C.   Ice Cream for students (5/22) – K. DuChene
D.   Ice Cream Social (follow up) – Dace Day
E.    PALS Week (5/14-5/18) – Kris DuChene
F.    Field Day Sno Cones (5/10, rain day 5/11) – Erin Peck / Kristen Wambach
G.   Emma’s Day (6/5) – L. Lepine & J. Hackett

VII.     New Business
                A. Fun Run

VIII.        Agenda Items   

IX.           Adjournment