Tuesday, January 22, 2013

PTC Request Form

Have a new idea for our PTC to fund / plan / host? We would love to hear from you. If you have a new idea or want to keep a traditional favorite please see below.

1) Complete the Request Form (below)
2) Submit form to the PTC President, Dace Day, or email info to lobbestaelptc@gmail.com
3) Attend the next PTC meeting to discuss the proposal, answer questions from the PTC members and vote as a PTC group on the proposal.
4) If approved, the event will be put on the agenda for the next meeting and planning can begin.

To print this form, step 1) left click on it, step 2) right click on it and select print picture.
A hard copy of this form can be picked up at Lobbestael in the main office.
Please use this form as a guideline when presenting ideas at upcoming meetings.