Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April Meeting Minutes

Lobbestael Elementary: April 10, 2013 @ 6:30pm
Parent Teacher Club: Meeting Minutes

Attendance (9): Jenica T, Dace D., B. Polega, Kris D., Susan S., Tammy F., Jennifer H., 
Mrs. Theime., Lisa L., Kristen W., Joe H., Jodi P.

1. /2. Welcome, Introductions, and Norms: Susan S.
·         Begin meeting on time.
·         Turn off cell phones.
·         Be respectful.
·         One person speaks at a time.
·         Stay on topic.
·         Discussions shall be limited
·         Motions will be made and seconded.
·         Majority vote passes motion.

3. Mission Statement: Susan S.
The Parent Teacher Club’s agenda is to lend support, both moral and financial, to cooperate
with teachers, the administration and community to promote positive attitudes towards
learning and education.

4. Secretary Minutes: Jenica T.
Motion to accept minutes as presented w/ the correction to the Principal’s report (added that the ski trip was a success) and Box Top info (12,830 Campbell Labels points were submitted): 1st Lisa and 2nd Kris. Motion passed unanimously.

5. Treasury Report: Dace D.
Motion to accept budget as presented: 1st Jenica and 2nd Jennifer. Motion passed unanimously.

6. Principal Report: Ms. Polega
a) April 24th, Lobbestael will host a mobile Blood Drive.
b) Parent surveys collected at conferences being tallied and results to come out next month.
c) Lobbestael placed 7th, out of 10 teams, at the District Competition this past Saturday at 
Science Olympiad.
      d) April 16th - Lobbestael will be host family math night, need 15 more RSVP’s to get 
discount on the event expense, a 2nd reminder went out.
      e) The school song was presented to the students at the last assembly. It got a very 
good response and the plan is to have a video be made.
      f) The school will be using a portion of the PTC donated ‘building fund’ to purchase a 
science & math newsletter. This will help promote these subjects and achieve future goals 
in math & science. The newsletter will start Fall 2013 (next school year).
      g) June 4th will be the ‘end of year party’. A committee has been formed w/ staff 
members to work on the event. Ideas being considered are: hot dog lunch, open house, 
carnival activities, art display

7. Parent Advisory Committee: Lisa L. reported

Main topics discussed were: school of choice regarding the % of students, the concern for the declining birth rate in our district, Bridges a.k.a community building, standardized testing; all subjects (except science) the district scored above the county and state scores, the concessions the staff and professional are making and the ACT testing was discussed. The process is that in 7th grade a practice test is administered, 8th grade take a test, 0th grade practive & 10th grade test.

8. Old Business
Restaurant Night Lisa L., Louise L., Ann U.
·         Stevie B’s (Thurs., 4.11.13 from 3-9pm) – flyer went home.
·         McDonald’s (Tues, 5.7.13 from 4-7pm) – Volunteers will be needed in the dining room.

Box Tops & Campbell Labels – Tammy F.
·         Box Tops: There will be a April and May submission, we are only $200 away from our goal of $2000.00 raised this year.
·         Labels: Tammy will get Jennifer info so points can be used towards Fun Run.

Spring Conference Idea Box (Thurs, 3.21.13) Dace D.
·         The following suggestions were collected:
1.       Bookit with Pizza hut
2.       Do the Harlem Shake in gym class
3.      movie night
4.      class game time
5.      celebrate Easter
6.      Make a compost bin instead of throwing out leftover food
7.      no school
8.      campaign drug-free program
9.      field trip to selfridge ANGB
10.   santa parade

Book Fair (Thurs, 3.21.13) Kristen W.
·         Went well, profits up from last year.

Bake Sale (Thurs, 3.21.13) Ann U.
·      Thank you for all the support. The sale went well and raised more funds than last year’s spring bake sale.
·      Bake good suggestions: cookies, brownies, covered pretzels, cake pops (everything sells!)

Basket Raffle (Thurs, 3.21.13) Jenica T. & Amy L.
·         Went well, the itemized list of each basket was helpful.

Roller Skating Party (Fri., 4.26.13) – Lisa L. & Dace D.
·         Flyer went home w/ students.

PALS Week (Mon. – Fri. 5.6.13-5.10.13) – Jenica T. & Lisa L.
·         The theme will be Dr. Seuss.
·         Plans and preparations are underway, including breakfast, boxed lunches, car window washing and to-do coupons.
·         There are many ways to volunteer. Email and flyer to go out this month.
·         Ann Urban offered to donate baked goods.

“End of the Year Celebration” (6.8.13) – Ms. Polega
·      Discussed by Ms. Polega in Principal Report.

Field Day Snow Cones (Tues., 5.21.13) – Kristen W.
·         There is syrup in the PTC cabinet.
·         Start time to be pushed back to 11am this year, so avoid morning down time.
·         Event is good on volunteers, but all help is welcome.

9. New Business / Budget Requests

Fun Run (Fall, 2013) – Jennifer H. & Tiffany
·         Give away/ participation prize to be a red water bottle w/ Lobbestael Logo on it. The cost is $589.40. Quote is based on ordering 465 bottles and includes all taxes and shipping fees. Verified with Ms. Polega on the student count.
A motion was made to cover the cost ($589.40) for the water bottles. : 1st Kristen and 2nd Mrs. Theime. Motion passed unanimously.

PTC Board Nominations
·         The following nominations were made –
1.        President: Dace D. (accepted)
2.       1st VP: Amy L. (not present, Susan to follow up w/ Amy regarding her acceptance to the nomination)
3.       2nd VP: Lisa L. (accepted)
4.      Treasure: Tammy F. (declined) / Jodi P. (accepted)
5.       Secretary: Jenica (accepted)

10. Open Topic Forum

Question regarding help w/ PTC Blog – Jenica
·         It was asked if any knows about “FeedBurner” and adjusting some code on our blog. Ms. Polega stated if emailed she could forward on to the school IT contact.

Open Chair positions for next school year – Jenica
·         It was asked if anyone had shown interested in chairing Box Tops or Popcorn. No one had contacted the PTC expressing interest regarding these two positions.

Volunteer Luncheon – Ms. Polega
·         The school will host the volunteer luncheon on May 3rd. The theme is baseball and invitations to go out soon.

11. Agenda Items

Old Business/Follow-Up: Restaurant Night, Box Tops, roller skating, PALS week, Field Day Sno-Cones, Fun Run

New Business:  None

12. Adjournment – 7:34pm

PTC Meeting (5.8.13), 6:30pm in the media room